Watch today's episode of the Advent Adventure story and why not read along too...
Watch today's episode of the Advent Adventure story and why not read along too...
The trio were still sat in comfy chairs around a roaring fire. Mike fetched a few menus and handed them round to his friends. ‘Wow, this writing is really small and I can barely read it!’ said Alpha.
‘Sounds like you might need glasses, so you’ll have to visit to an optician,’ replied Foxtrot. ‘At least we have one close by here. On one of the flights I flew this year, we carried a whole team of opticians and eye specialists so that the remote villages of Kenya in Africa could receive the treatment they needed.
‘Although there are hospitals in northern parts of Kenya, access to eye health services is difficult because of the long distances, rough terrain, poor facilities and drought. Some people stay blind for years because they can’t get help.’
‘That’s really sad to hear. I hope you brought them some help, hope and healing!’ said Mike.
‘Yes, Pilots Sam, Reuben and I overcame these barriers by flying the medical team to Marsabit and Moyale hospitals to stay for five days of eye clinics, where they offered free eye check-ups and treatment.
‘Sounds like an excellent idea, which will really help the people to see things better. Did you know, in the Bible, Jesus performed the miracle of healing blind people four times in His time on earth! Once the men had been healed, they could see clearly and started to put their trust in Jesus.’
‘It was a little more than four people who came to the clinics in Kenya!’ laughed Foxtrot. ‘In fact, over 2,300 patients with different eye conditions received treatment, and over 300 underwent sight-restoring surgeries!’
‘And if MAF keep going back with that team, they can keep reducing blindness in Kenya!’ said Alpha.